Climate and Mental Health Award: Uncovering mechanisms between heat and mental health

1 October 2024

This award will fund projects to advance our understanding of how heat impacts anxiety, depression and psychosis in the most impacted groups globally through biological, psychological and/or social mechanisms. 

Funding Webinar: October 9, 2024, 9:30-10:30 am BST, Application deadline: January 21, 2025


Funding amount: £1 – 3 million per project

Funding duration: 3-5 years

Lead applicant career stage: early-career researcher, mid-career researcher, established researcher

Administering organization location: Anywhere in the world (apart from mainland China and countries that are the target of international sanctions)

Co-applicants: accepted

Who can apply:

To apply for this award, teams must bring together mental health and climate expertise as well as additional expertise as relevant. Consistent with our approach to mental health research, we expect research teams to include relevant lived experience of mental health problems, unless there is a strong justification for not doing so. We are open to any methods of involvement that teams choose. However, it is expected that lived experience expertise is involved in the most appropriate and ethical ways to inform multiple aspects and stages of the proposed research project.
