The Cambridge Journal of Climate Research – Accepting Submissions

18 February 2025

The Editorial Board of the Cambridge Journal of Climate Research (ISSN 3050-2020 / 3050-2012) is now accepting submissions for the first issue of its second volume, likely to be published in May 2025.

The CJCR is an interdisciplinary journal encompassing all climate-related areas of research: from engineering and atmospheric science to law, demographics, politics, and art. We accept full-length academic articles, as well as shorter, summative pieces. Examples of previously published works include:

  • “The Political Economy of Climate Finance: Stakeholder Relationship Dynamics in the Indonesian Just Energy Transition Partnership.”

We will consider submissions from any career stage, including from undergraduate and postgraduate students, although we are particularly interested in research from practising academics, including College Fellows, Research Associates, and Asst. / Assoc. / Full Professors, as well as works from professionals in industry. All submissions will be subject to a double peer-review process. Writers
are expected to be readily available to make any substantive changes that are suggested during the review. Finalised works will be published online on the Diamond Open Access Journals Platform and also in print.

*If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to