Collaborative Centre Graduate Fellowship

The Collaborative Centre is launching a graduate fellowship program for students in (or alumni of) the Student Training Program who are enrolled in a PhD program and who are seeking to develop or deepen their research engagement with sustainability in health, understood to include climate and health, planetary health, One Health, ecohealth, political ecology of health, sustainable healthcare, and climate resilient health systems.

This fellowship will run from September 2025-August 2026

2025/26 Applications and Supervisor(s) letter of support are due May 30th, 2025

Graduate Fellowships from the Collaborative Centre will contribute to the graduate stipend provided to full-time PhD students. This is a one-time contribution of $10,000 for University of Toronto graduate students for the academic year 2025-2026.

The fellowship will support graduate students to develop their research expertise in sustainability in health, understood to include climate and health, planetary health, One Health, ecohealth, political ecology of health, sustainable healthcare, and climate resilient health systems:

  1. Where the student’s dissertation research is already focused on sustainability in health;
  2. Where the student and supervisor can identify opportunities to strengthen engagement with sustainability through their dissertation research.

Supervisor support is required. Students from all University of Toronto research-intensive PhD programs are eligible to apply. The supervisor or one co-supervisor must be from one of the Collaborative Centre’s four founding faculties, and must be (or become) a member of the Collaborative Centre.

Program Components:

  1. Develop their research interests in sustainability in health through their dissertation research, sufficient to produce a final report in the form of a manuscript or report, and to submit an abstract (poster or oral) on research activities and outcomes for the Collaborative Centre’s 2026 Annual Symposium
  2. In collaboration with the Collaborative Centre, coordinate a research event (e.g., lunch and learn, seminar, workshop) that features one or more experts in the dissertation topic area or related topic of interest (NB. It is not expected that the student will present their own work)
  3. Attend the Collaborative Centre 2025 Annual Symposium on October 30th, 2025
  4. Produce a personal statement on the experience, for use in the Collaborative Centre’s annual report or other communications
  5. Students who have not yet completed the Student Training Program must also:
    • Attend in-person Program Sessions (approx. every 2 months)
    • Attend Collaborative Centre Seminars and/or Journal Club Sessions (6 minimum)

Students receive:

  • Contribution of $10,000 to their graduate stipend
  • Become or remain a Collaborative Centre Member as a “Student Fellow,” with photo and bio listed on website
  • Collaborative Centre 2025 Annual Symposium (registration fee waived)
  • Upon completion:
    • Retain Collaborative Centre Membership as “Alumni Fellow” with photo and bio on website
    • For students participating in the Student Training Program, a Certificate of Completion

Students will be asked to provide membership information including a brief bio and headshot for our website (which may be referenced in an annual report), upon acceptance into the program.