Climate, Health & Sustainable Care ECHO

The Climate, Health, & Sustainable Care ECHO will serve as a collaborative space for people in the Canadian healthcare sector to discuss, troubleshoot, and celebrate efforts to provide climate resilient and sustainable care across settings and specialties. Each session will feature a topic of interest grounded by experts in the field and brought to life by case studies shared by participants.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a solid understanding of the range of opportunities to enhance the resilience and sustainability of health services and systems
  • Contribute their own experience and ideas to establishing good practice in climate action and sustainable healthcare
  • Gain inspiration and build confidence to implement their own climate and sustainability projects
  • Grow a network of mentors and potential collaborators they can engage to support their efforts

Target Audience: Members of the healthcare community with experience and/or interest in implementing climate adaptation and/or mitigation projects at the practice, site, or system level

Registration is open, those interested can register at any time and attend any number of sessions.