Annie Fecteau

Faculty fellow

General and Thoracic Surgery Associate chief quality and safety for Perioperative Services Hospital for Sick Children

Dr. Fecteau is a pediatric general surgeon who specializes in pediatric hepatobiliary surgery and chest wall deformities. After her training in pediatric surgery at Mc Gill, Dr. Fecteau went on to complete further years of training in liver transplantation in Cincinnati and Paris. In 1998, she joined the University of Toronto Liver Transplantation team as the only pediatric surgeon. She supervises the medical student’s Pediatric Surgery rotation and is involved in pediatric surgery fellow training. Dr. Fecteau is the Ethics Coordinator for the Division of Pediatric Surgery and has completed a Master’s degree in Bioethics at the Joint Centre for Bioethics at The University of Toronto. Dr Fecteau is now involved research in ethical problems in pediatric and lead quality improvement efforts for the division of general surgery. She is the surgeon champion for the NSQIP programs for SickKids hospital and the Associate Chief for Quality and Safety for perioperative services. In that role and as one of the lead of the OR greening committee, she strives to implement green practices in SickKids Operating room.