Journal Club Membership Form

Journal Club Information:

  • The Journal Club meets the second Thursday of each month from 12-1pm, unless otherwise noted.
  • Journal Club Members are expected to attend at least 2 of the remaining 5 sessions this year.
    • When attending a session, Members are expected to have read the article in advance and meaningfully engage in the discussion.
  • Journal Club Members will receive a calendar invite with the article 3 weeks prior to each session.

Journal Club Membership Form

Contact Information


Membership Information

Faculty with which you have your primary University of Toronto affiliation, if applicable *(Required)
TAHSN organization with which you have your primary affiliation, if applicable *(Required)
In order to foster a collaborative learning environment we ask that members of the club take turns choosing and presenting articles of relevance to Climate & Health. Would you be willing to choose and present an article at a session?(Required)
By completing this form, I wish to be a contributing member of the Climate, Health & Sustainable Care Journal Club.(Required)