Our community is key to driving our collective work. The Collaborative Centre is comprised of its leadership team, core staff, affiliated students, and academic and professional Fellows from across the University, TAHSN and beyond.
Our members are engaged with work related to climate, environment, health and sustainable care through research, educational innovation, and practice and policy development. Members include faculty and scientists, professionals, practitioners and leaders. See below for more details and to apply!
Explore our People
How to Apply?
Apply for Membership
Members contribute meaningfully to the strength and development of the Collaborative Centre and its community through various means, including but not limited to:
- Attending/hosting seminars, workshops or symposia
- Supervising or mentoring students, trainees, or junior colleagues, as appropriate
- Contributing to the development of the Collaborative Centre and its programs and services (e.g., Event planning, Research Clusters, Scientific review activities, etc.). We seek participation in various committees through our Opportunities page.
- If you have other ideas about how to contribute, please reach out!
Membership categories include:
i.e. those with University of Toronto faculty appointment
i.e. local professionals – University of Toronto long-term staff; professionals affiliated with TAHSN or other locally-based collaborating organizations
i.e. Postdoctoral fellows – or comparable, e.g. Research Associates – with a research focus at the University of Toronto
i.e. Postdoctoral fellows – or comparable, e.g. Research Associates – with an education focus the University of Toronto
We accept inquiries related to other membership categories, including Senior Fellows and Visiting Fellows. Reach out to discuss.
To maintain the credibility of our purpose and public assurance in our collective work, we have adopted a sponsorship and industry engagement policy that affects how Members may use their affiliation with the Collaborative Centre.
If you have questions, please contact us climate.health@utoronto.ca

Student Members
Students and trainees who participate in the Collaborative Centre’s Student Training Program become members of the Collaborative Centre.
Our new Student Training program is a one-year, non-credit certificate program that will support research-oriented graduate and professional students and trainees to develop knowledge and research skills on the links between climate and ecological change, health, health systems & sustainability.
Health science and health professional students and trainees who join the inaugural cohort will develop their expertise and inform the design and growth of the training program.