Fellows Directory

Meet our fellows who contibrute meaningfully to the strength and development of the Collaborative Centre. They are a diverse community of faculty and scientists, professionals, practitioners and leaders who are engaged in work related to climate, environment, health and sustainable care. 

Division of General Surgery, Temerty Faculty of Medicine

Assistant Professor.

MD, MSc. FCFP, CCFP, CEH, Dip. Occ. Env. Health
Assistant Professor – Department of Family and Community Medicine and Pharmacology and Toxicology

Associate Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Professor, Department of Health and Society, University of Toronto, Scarborough. Professor (Emeritus) (retired in 2019), Department of Biology and Program in Public Health, Western University, London, Ontario.

Head, Division of Clinical Public Health and Dalla Lana Chair in Clinical Public Health Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health and Department of Family and Community Medicine

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Unity Health Toronto Vice Chair Quality, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto

Jean Wilson HBScN, MHSc., NP-PHC Assistant Professor Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner, Unity Health Toronto

Director, Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety