Program Details
We are offering funding of up to $2500 for members of the Collaborative Centre to hire full-time students for summer 2025 with a focus on research, quality improvement, or practicum experiences that relate to the Collaborative Centre’s purpose. Projects that relate to our current or prospective research clusters (more detail in annual report), and that engage with centres of excellence with overlapping interests at the University of Toronto and across TAHSN are encouraged.
Eligibility requirements:
- This opportunity is contingent on supplemental funds from another source. We encourage supervisors to align their application with an existing student summer program (e.g., CREMS Summer Research Program; UG Summer Research Program).
- Funding is expected to support a student full time for a minimum of 10 weeks, but may be pro-rated with justification.
- This funding is only open to members of the Collaborative Centre (prospective supervisors who are not currently members can apply for membership simultaneously).
- Prospective supervisors must only accept students who are enrolled in a University of Toronto undergraduate, graduate, or trainee program.
- Collaborative Centre funding must flow entirely to students (as stipend or wage); funding cannot be used to support other activities.
- Project title
- Project description
- Tasks and responsibilities of the student
- Educational value to the student
- Indication of other funding sources you intend to use or apply for to match Collaborative Centre funding, and an alternative strategy if concurrent funding applications are unsuccessful.
- Budget, which indicates:
- Total wages/stipend to be offered (include how many weeks, hours/week the student will be employed, and hourly wage)
- Breakdown of funding (include intended funding from the Collaborative Centre, other funding you are applying for concurrently, or other sources of funding)
- Other detail, as appropriate
Example summer programs that may be sources of matching funding:
If you are planning to match with the CREMS Summer Research Program:
- CREMS students receive a stipend of $6000 for 10 weeks of full-time work.
If approved by both CREMS and the Collaborative Centre:
- CREMS will contribute $2,750
- Collaborative Centre will contribute $2,500
- Supervisor is responsible for funding the remaining $750
If you are planning to match with the Pharmacy Undergraduate Research Program:
- Students are normally compensated $4,350-$5,800 for 12-16 weeks of work. Please indicate the anticipated length, hours, and wage.
- Collaborative Centre funding may be used to contribute to wage or length of student employment
*This is not an exhaustive list, nor are applicants required to work through these programs.
Expectations of students:
- Brief bio and headshot for our Annual Report and/or website
- Personal statement on the experience (template to be provided)
- Final report in the form of a poster (for Symposium, see below) or paper/ report
- Symposium: Students are strongly encouraged to submit their work to the Collaborative Centre’s Second Annual Symposium, which will be hosted on October 30, 2025, at the Hart House, University of Toronto. Late-breaking poster submissions are due August 29, 2025. Students with accepted posters/ presentations will be offered free registration to present their work at the 2025 Symposium.