The climate crisis continues to disproportionately impact First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) Peoples across Turtle Island and worldwide. Some of the major issues faced are threats to reserve lands, food sovereignty, and access to traditional employments. In Canada, the […]

Led by Dr. Ito Peng, Director, Centre for Global Social Policy, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, and Canada Research Chair in Global Social Policy, this work engages stakeholders from around the world to understand the care and climate change […]

Led by Dr. Paty Romero-Lankao, Canadian Excellence in Research Chair for Sustainability Transitions and Professor of Sociology, UofT Scarborough, CERC NEST uses a transdisciplinary and comparative approach with communities and city actors in Toronto, Los Angeles and Mexico City to […]
This initiative is funded by a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to identify and explore specific opportunities for healthcare to support city-led climate action through physical infrastructure, care delivery and place-based climate governance. As one component of this, the team has […]
This quality improvement project is exploring leveraging primary care teams to help patients at risk of heat-related illness acquire municipal or provincial funding for home cooling systems. The intent of this project is to support vulnerable populations to become more […]
Young people across Canada and around the world are disproportionately experiencing the mental health impacts of the climate and ecological crises, including higher rates of distress, grief, and fear about their futures. Amplifying youth voices, supporting their capacity to cope […]

Led by Dr. Heather Ross, Temerty Medicine and Dr. Craig Simmons, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, this Institutional Strategic Initiative between the University of Toronto and Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research aims to create new healthcare technologies and […]
This program of work explores the capacity of institutions with formal or effective regulatory authority to influence the quality and availability of environmental data and/or the environmental performance of pharmaceuticals and other health technologies. Key activities: A CIHR-funded policy study […]
This multi-disciplinary, pan-Canadian research community endeavours to leverage a systems approach to mobilize research capacity across the pharmaceutical lifecycle. The Network has deep representation from the Collaborative Centre faculties and diverse Members from across 10 disciplines and across countries. The […]
Assertive Community Treatment Teams (ACTT), Flexible ACT (FACT), and Intensive Case Management (ICM) are multidisciplinary teams that provide treatment and support services to individuals diagnosed with a Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) who have had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. This […]